Our Initiatives and Strategies

Hitotsubashi University is implementing the fostering of global human resources with the four aspects listed below.

Specialized Knowledge

At Hitotsubashi University, we strive to cultivate students’ abilities to find solutions for global issues based on our long-established traditions emphasizing practical learning. One of our most distinct and outstanding features is our small-sized seminars, which are open to students in all Faculties from their first or second year. Through these seminars, students apply themselves closely to class and develop problem-solving skills. Furthermore, students are able to take classes in different Faculties as well, not only in general education subjects, but also in specialized subjects. Many classes are held in English(1) by foreign faculty members and those with overseas teaching and/or research experience. Hitotsubashi University is proud to showcase its unique character and strengths as a comprehensive university specializing in the social sciences, fostering individuals able to pursue active roles in global society.

Cultivating communication skills

The small-scale and interactive education represented by seminars is essential to promote active learning and develop discussion and presentation skills, as well as cultivating project-based research and problem-solving skills. Moreover, as part of our English Communication Skills course, PACE (Practical Applications in Communicative English) classes are offered in conjunction with an external organization and have become a compulsory subject for first-year students since 2013, where they are divided into small classes based on their skill level. By the conclusion of the course, the students consistently demonstrate improvement in their practical communication skills in English.

Career Planning through Collaboration among Industry, Academia and Government

Hitotsubashi University offers various opportunities such as seminars, short-term study abroad programs, and overseas internships in order to develop students’ capacities to address global issues. The Josuikai Alumni Association makes a significant contribution to supporting these programs. The Josui Seminars, a series of endowed lectures on various themes offered by the Association, are led by business leaders active both domestically and overseas. 

Practicing Global Skills

Global Education Portfolio

As one of the graduation requirements, all students must take and complete the following courses and programs that are positioned as part of our global education portfolio.

1.    English Skills Education for first-year students

Both PACE I and PACE II must be completed by all students across Faculties

2. Mandatory programs (all students must participate in at least one of them)

a. Short-term language study abroad; b. Intensive language training; c. Short-term study abroad (summer school); d. Long-term study abroad; e. Overseas internship; f. Seminar-led overseas fieldwork, interdisciplinary seminar and others


True global skills can be displayed to their fullest extent only through experience in the real world. Hitotsubashi University has emphasized the importance of study abroad since its foundation, and is equipped with top-tier study abroad programs and support systems, excelling both in content and in numbers of dispatched students. The most significant characteristic of our study abroad programs is that financial aid is awarded to all students who go overseas, by utilizing available programs including language training. No small number of students take advantage of multiple programs, such as pursuing a long-term study abroad or overseas internship, after polishing their language and communication skills through a short-term language program.

(1) Aside from HGP (Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program), each Faculty also offers some classes in English.For updated syllabi, please consult “CELS” our online information system. Visitors are able to log-in to the system without needing an ID or password.